
Found 420 results
Morais L, Nascimento V, Simões S, Ometto J.  2021.  Regional Distance Routes Estimation for Municipal Solid Waste Disposal, Case Study São Paulo State, Brazil. energies. 14(13)
Udvardi M, Below FE, Castellano MJ, Eagle AJ, Giller KE, Ladha JKumar, Liu X, Maaz TMcClellan, Nova-Franco B, Raghuram N et al..  2021.  A Research Road Map for Responsible Use of Agricultural Nitrogen. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5
Das C.  2021.  Researchers discover method to enhance nitrogen use efficiency in Paddy.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Resolution Adopted for Sustainable Management of Reactive Nitrogen.
Jiang W, Huang W, Liang H, Wu Y, Shi X, Fu J, Wang Q, Hu K, Chen L, Liu H et al..  2021.  Is rice field a nitrogen source or sink for the environment? Environmental Pollution. 283
[Anonymous].  2021.  Scientists Identify Genes to Improve Fertilizer Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Rice.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Scientists, intellectuals stress preventing degradation of ecosystems.
[Anonymous].  2021.  SL highlights importance of sustainable nitrogen management.
de Vries W, Schulte-Uebbing L, Kros H, Voogd JCees, Louwagie G.  2021.  Spatially explicit boundaries for agricultural nitrogen inputs in the European Union to meet air and water quality targets. Science of The Total Environment. 786
Biswas JC, Hossain M.Belal, Maniruzzaman M., Haque M.Mozammel, Akhter S, Naher UAminun, Rahman M.Mizanur, Adhya T, Sutton M.  2021.  Spatio-temporal distribution of reactive nitrogen species in relation to wheat cultivation in Bangladesh. SN Applied Sciences. 3
[Anonymous].  2021.  Sri Lanka brings the importance of sustainable nitrogen management to the climate change discourse.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Statement on ‘Action on Nitrogen for Climate’.
Preger A.  2021.  Stickstoff: Mangelware im Überfluss (Teil 1 & 2).
Wang H, Zhao Z, Winiwarter W, Bai Z, Wang X, Fan X, Zhu Z, Hu C, Ma L.  2021.  Strategies to reduce ammonia emissions from livestock and their cost-benefit analysis: A case study of Sheyang county. Environmental Pollution. 290(118045)
Leibniz BAmon, Jensen LStoumann, Groenestein K, Sutton M.  2021.  Sustainable nitrogen management for housed livestock, manure storage and manure processing. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production.
Carrington D.  2021.  This article is more than 11 months old Ammonia from farms behind 60% of UK particulate air pollution – study.
Nishina K, Takenaka C, Ishizuka S, Hashimoto S.  2021.  Tree manipulation experiment for the short-term effect of tree cutting on N2O emission: A evaluation using Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Environmental Pollution. 288
Jennings S, McCormack C, Stoll G.  2021.  The UK's Global Footprint.
Zhang X, Ren C, Gu B, Chen D.  2021.  Uncertainty of nitrogen budget in China. Environmental Pollution . 286
[Anonymous].  2021.  Video message from H.E. Inger Anderson (UNEP) - Rediscovering Nitrogen. :3:56.
[Anonymous].  2021.  Why South Asia needs to tackle a surge in nitrogen pollution.
Chrobak U.  2021.  The world's forgotten greenhouse gas.
