
Found 420 results
Vaughan A.  2020.  Meat and dairy production emit more nitrogen than Earth can cope with.
Oliveira MAlexandra, Tomlinson S, Carnell E, Dore AJ, Serrano HCristina, Vieno M, Cordovil C, Dragosits U, Sutton M, Branquinho C et al..  2020.  Nitrogen and sulfur deposition over a region in SW Europe based on a regional atmospheric chemical transport model. Atmospheric Environment. 223
[Anonymous].  2020.  Nitrogen pollution policies around the world lag behind scientific knowledge.
Kumari S, Raghuram N.  2020.  Protein Phosphatases in N Response and NUE in Crops. Protein Phosphatases and Stress Management in Plants Functional Genomic Perspective.
Medinets S, Mileva A, Kotogura S, Gruzova I, Kovalova N, Konareva O.P., Cherkez EAnatolievi, Kozlova TVitalievna, Derevencha V., Rozhenko M..  2020.  Rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition to agricultural and natural lands within the Lower Dniester catchment. XIV International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Reducing nitrogen pollution requires joined-up efforts to avoid ecological mayhem.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Reducing nitrogen pollution requires joined-up efforts to avoid ecological mayhem.
Lembrechts JJ, Aalto J, Ashcroft MB, De Frenne P, Kopecký M, Lenoir J, Luoto M, Maclean IMD, Roupsard O, Fuentes-Lillo E et al..  2020.  SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature. Global Change Biology. 26(11)
Koshy J.  2020.  Study points to nitrous oxide emissions derailing Paris climate accord temperature target.
Stedman L.  2020.  The time for global action on nitrogen.
[Anonymous].  2020.  UN seeks to half the world’s nitrogen waste by 2030.
Stokstad E.  2020.  United Kingdom to embark on ‘agricultural revolution' in break from EU farm subsidies. Science.
Stokstad E.  2020.  United Kingdom to embark on ‘agricultural revolution' in break from EU farm subsidies.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Use of Landsat Space Images to Assess Wildfire Areas in the Dniester Delta in 2010-2020. XIV International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”.
[Anonymous].  2020.  WaterTalk: Jill S. Baron.
Raghuram N.  2020.  Zeroing in on farm budgets or zero budget natural farming: A perspective from India. Perspectives Series.
