
Found 420 results
Lloyd P.  2018.  Satellite map reveals that animal waste pollution is much worse than thought as it identifies 178 new hotspots of ammonia from faeces and urine that can cause death.
Sutton M, Howard C.  2018.  Satellite pinpoints ammonia sources globally. Nature. 564
Specktor B.  2018.  Scary Map Shows Where Animal Poop Is Turning into Deadly Ammonia Pollution.
Schwede DB, Simpson D, Tan J, Fu JS, Dentener F, Du E, de Vries W.  2018.  Spatial variation of modelled total, dry and wet nitrogen deposition to forests at global scale. Environmental Pollution. 243B
Butrym O., Drebot O..  2018.  Strategic directions of development of the inner carbon market of sector of agricultural land-use. News of agrarian sciences.
Lin J, Compton JE, Bittman S, Clark C, Homann PS, Hooper D, Schwede D, Carey B., Winter H., Kiffney P et al..  2018.  ‘A tale of two regions': Nitrogen inventories in the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Watershed. AGU Fall Meeting.
Butrym O..  2018.  Teoretychni zasady zabezpechennya nyzʹkovuhletsevoho zemlekorystuvannya v silʹsʹkomu hospodarstvi [Theoretical Foundations for Low Carbon Land Management in Agriculture]. International Scientific Journal: Economic Sciences. 2(10)
Harvey F.  2018.  This article is more than 4 years old Ammonia emissions rise in UK, as other air pollutant levels fall.
Kovalova N, Medinets V, Medinets S.  2018.  Trophic state of Dnitstrovsky Estuary in summer 2012-2017. XXI International Scientific Conference.
Kovalova N, Medinets V, Medinets S, Konareva OP, Gazetov Y.  2018.  Trophic status of the Dniester Delta lakes in 2006-2017. Visnyk of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Series «Еcоlogy». 18
McSeeney E.  2018.  The trouble with ammonia.
Heathman A.  2018.  The UK has released its latest air pollution levels report – here’s what you need to know.
Hellsten S., Dragosits U, Place S.J, Dore AJ, Y. Tang S, Sutton MA.  2018.  Uncertainties and implications of applying aggregated data for spatial modelling of atmospheric ammonia emissions. Environmental Pollution. 240
Warren M.  2018.  United Kingdom unveils ambitious air pollution plan. Science.
Forgrave A.  2018.  Welsh trees being enveloped in 'slimy gloop' from deadly nitrogen bloom.
Ross P.  2018.  Why Scotland needs a Nitrogen balance sheet.
[Anonymous].  2018.  World Environment Day celebrations highlight nitrogen pollution, including work under the UNECE Air Convention.
Medinets S, Moklyachuk L, Utkina K, Howard C, Sutton M, Medinets V.  2017.  Development of Nitrogen Load Assessment System in the Dniester River Catchment. Bulletin of V. N. Karazin KhNU, series "Ecology". 16
García M.A.Solera, Timmis R.J., van Dijk N, Whyatt J.D., Leith ID, Leeson S, Braban CF, Sheppard LJoy, Sutton M, Y. Tang S.  2017.  Directional passive ambient air monitoring of ammonia for fugitive source attribution; a field trial with wind tunnel characteristics. Atmospheric Environment. 167
Spears BM, Vieno M, Van Oijen M., Sutton M.  2017.  Eutrophication and Climate Change Revisited. Science. 357(6349)
Venkateswaran TV, Singh J.  2017.  Fight against nitrogen pollution in the Environment could soon witness a paradigm shift.
de Vries W, Du E, Bahl KButterbach, Uebbing LSchulte, Dentener F.  2017.  Global-Scale Impact of Human Nitrogen Fixation on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science.
Schulte-Uebbing L, de Vries W.  2017.  Global-scale impacts of nitrogen deposition on tree carbon sequestration in tropical, temperate, and boreal forests: A meta-analysis. Global Change Biology. 24
Riddick SN, Blackall TD, Dragosits U, Y. Tang S, Móring A, Daunt F, Wanless S, Hamer K.C, Sutton M.  2017.  High temporal resolution modelling of environmentally-dependent seabird ammonia emissions: Description and testing of the GUANO model. Atmospheric Environment. 161
Abrol YP, Adhya TK, Aneja VP, Raghuram N, Pathak H, Kulshrestha U, Sharma C, Singh B.  2017.  Indian Nitrogen Assessment: Sources of Reactive Nitrogen, Environmental and Climate Effects, Management Options, and Policies.
