The CIMMYT, part of CGIAR, leads research on ssutainble intensification in wheat and maize-based systems in South Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and LAtin America and has considereable expertise in Nitrogen Mangement. Access to Facilities to measure ntirogen balance in crops and provide field facilities for demonstaration, as well as evaluation of managment practices on nitrogen use efficiencies of crops. Through work on climate smart villages, CIMMYT is evaluating a range of technologies and practice protfolios, with strong community-led involvement, local organisations and stronge public sector buy in. The CIMMYT impact pathway is to generate evidence on the costs and benefits of emerging practicies and tehcnologies in terms of productivity and climate adaptation and mitigation. Outputs from 'Towards INMS' could be scaled up through CSV models in South Asia and through CIMMYT innovation hubs of MasAgro Take it to the Farmer (TTF) project in Mexico and the Cereal Systems initiateive for South Asia (CSISA).