
Supreme Decree No. 003-2017-MINAM ─ Approves Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for Air.

This Supreme Decree approves the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for Air, as a mandatory reference for the design and application of environmental management instruments by the holders of productive, extractive and service activities; as well as for those parameters that characterize the emissions of productive, extractive and service activities. The Ministry of the Environment, in coordination with the competent authorities, will approve the National Protocol for the Monitoring of Environmental Air Quality. Likewise, it will approve the guidelines to strengthen and incorporate the Environmental Technical Study Groups of Air Quality in the Provincial Municipal Environmental Commissions (CAM), within the framework of the National System of Environmental Management. The application of the RCTs for Air in the approved environmental management instruments, which are of a preventive nature, is carried out in the updating or modification thereof, within the framework of the current regulations of the National Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA). . In the case of corrective instruments, the application of the RCTs for Air is carried out in accordance with the sectoral environmental regulations. Priority Attention Areas are established, which are those population centers that have economic activities that pose real or potential impact on air quality, that have environmentally relevant vehicular activity, or that have an urban dynamic that implies a potential increase in atmospheric emissions. The Ministry of Environment, through a ministerial resolution, will develop the guidelines for its determination. The Ministry of Health is the competent authority to declare the National Alert States for air pollutants whose purpose is to activate, immediately, a set of measures designed to prevent the risk to health and avoid excessive exposure of the population to air pollutants, during episodes of acute contamination. The Ministry of Health, in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment, establishes the levels of Alert States.

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