
Decree No. 474/2000 of the Ministry of Environment on the determination of the quantity of emitted pollutants, method and conditions of determination, monitoring and presentation of data on compliance with defined emission limits and general operational conditions and on technical equipment requirements for monitoring of emissions and polluting substances.

This Decree regulates: a) determination of quantity of emitted pollutants; b) method and conditions of determination, monitoring and presentation of data on compliance with defined emission limits and general operational conditions; c) technical equipment requirements for monitoring of emissions and polluting substances and the term of their provision. Total quantity of emissions of pollutant occurring in waste gases released from the source of pollution to the air is detected, when a) the pollutant is listed in the list of pollutants and there is emission limits defined; b) the pollutant is liable to the fee duty; c) there are conditions for air protection defined for pollutant. Quantity of pollutant is determined by a) continual monitoring using technical equipment intended for monitoring of emission of substances polluting the air; b) calculation using individual emission factors measured by single authorized measurement; c) qualified analysis; d) combination of methods according to the points (a) to (c).

Regional Info



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Policy Type: 

Data and methods




Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
