The Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) is a strategic document with a multi-sectoral approach, relating to the period 2016-2019. Flowing from the Horizon 2030 vision, this strategic plan now charts the path to a better quality of life for all Belizeans, living now and in the future. It places at the fore sustainable development, reflecting a whole-system approach, and acknowledging increasing prosperity, eradicating poverty, improving social cohesion, caring for our natural resources, and securing peace and justice for all Belizeans as inter-connected goals. The programme action outlined by the GSDS takes into account the following Critical Success Factors: 1) Optimal National Income and Investment; 2) Enhance Social Cohesion and Resilience; 3) Sustained or Improved Health of Natural, Environmental, Historical and Cultural Assets; 4) Enhance Governance and Citizen Security. The strategy seeks to eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. In particular, Action 13 aims to strengthen the policy framework for land-based and marine pollution management in order to mitigate the impacts on food security and human health and well-being. Moreover the GSDS seeks to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable. Regarding the sustainable use of the environment and natural resources, the following actions are foreseen: (i) to complete and implement the National Land Use Policy and Integrated Planning Framework; (ii) to complete a Water Master Plan, a National Groundwater and Surface Water Assessment, and a Water Vulnerability Profile, and pay particular attention to situations that need to be urgently addressed including the potential depletion and contamination of water resources; (iii) to implement sustainable forest management, including protected areas management as a tool to ensure watershed protection for water and food security; (iv) to continue implementation of the Solid Waste Management Project (SWMP) and develop similar interventions to improve waste disposal within the southern and northern thirds of the country. The strategy aims to reduce poverty, not only in urban but also in rural areas. Enhanced social cohesion and resilience (enhanced equity) is the aim envisaged under Critical Success Factor 2. Another objective is to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food system. Specific actions and measures are foreseen to identify and develop activities that can provide significant employment and earning opportunities to the poor and vulnerable, and to build institutional capacity to encourage technological adaptation and innovation while also taking into account climate change resilience considerations. Further the strategy seeks to increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters. The instrument foresees to continue mainstreaming climate change considerations into national development planning. Regarding governance, one of the objectives to be attained is to reach better technical and political governance systems. A monitoring and evaluation system is laid down.
Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy 2016-2019.