The Act consists of 26 sections divided into 5 Parts: Preliminary (I); Registration, sale and consignment of fertilizers and feeding stuffs (II); Inspection and sampling (III); Penalties and proceedings (IV); Miscellaneous (V). “Fertilizer” and “feeding stuff” are defined in section 2 and the First Schedule.; Dealing in fertilizers and feeding stuffs that are not registered with the Chief Agricultural Officer in accordance with sections 3 and 4 is prohibited. Traders in fertilizers and feeding stuffs shall furnish statutory statements under section 4. Those statements shall contain information set out in section 4 and the Second and Third Schedule. Section 6 prescribes a right of the purchaser of fertilizers and feeding stuffs to have them analyzed. Section 7 concerns marking of fertilizers and feeding stuffs. Other provisions of this Act lay down rules relative to placing on the market and dealing in fertilizers and feeding stuffs, quality requirements for feeding stuffs, importation inspection and sampling by inspectors, offences, proceedings and penalties and regulation making powers of the Minister.
Fertilizer and Feeding Stuffs Act (Cap. 261).