
Wildlife Act of 1996.

This act is regulating the main legal relationships: (a) among state authorities and physical and legal persons in the field of the protection of wildlife and use of its objects; and (b) in the field of protection, reproduction and use of wildlife, constantly or temporarily, in conditions of natural freedom, semi-freedom or artificially created environment on land, in soil, water, atmosphere, territorial waters, continental shelf and special economic zone. The wildlife existing within the limits of Georgia’s land territories, air space, territorial waters, continental shelf and EEZ, is national wealth of Georgia and is protected by the state. Natural habitats of wildlife species shall be protected by the state. With the purpose of protection of the wildlife the state is ensuring: (a) in-situ and ex-situ conservation of wildlife; (b) establishment of rules of in-situ and ex-situ protection (conservation) and stock enhancement of wildlife; (c) setting of prohibition and limitation of use of objects of wildlife; and (d) protection of habitats, reproduction area, survival stations, migration ways, water-reaching ways and watering places of wild animals. Hunting, fishing, catching of water invertebrates and marine mammals, and other wildlife species shall be prohibited in the protected areas and national parks. The use of objects of wildlife includes: (a) hunting; (b) fishing, including the catching of water invertebrates and marine mammals; (c) use of wildlife by-products (honey, wax, and etc.); (d) scientific research; (e) captive breeding; and (f) creation of zoological collections. Hunting shall be permitted only in specially allotted territories; hunting with the use of explosives and other means that cause suffering to wild animals shall be prohibited. Underwater hunting for marine mammals shall be prohibited. The license of use on the use of the objects of wildlife represents the only official document, confirming the right of the use of the objects of wildlife. Hunting licences shall be of the following types: (a) the general licence; and (b) once-only, nominative licence.

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