
National food security mid-term and long-term planning framework (2008-2020 ).

This National Food Security Mid-term and Long-term Planning Framework (2008-2020 ) is a sectoral policy document at the national level. Objectives are: (i) Stabilize grain-sown areas. By 2020, maintain arable land area at not less than 1.2 billion hectares. (ii) Ensure grain and other major food basically self-sufficient. Maintain grain self-sufficiency over 95%. (iii) Maintain a reasonable level of grain storage and the proportion of wheat and rice not less than 70% of the storage. (iv) Establish a modern grain logistic system; reduce grain distribution costs.; The policy addresses the improvement of food security. It outlines the objectives, tasks, and specific programmes for food security and provides the strategic framework for all actions on food security. To achieve the objectives, the key tasks are proposed as follows: (i) Increase food production capability. (ii) Utilize non-grain food resources. (iii) Strengthen international cooperation on grain and edible oil. (iv) Perfect grain distribution system. (v) Perfect grain storage system. (vi) Further improve grain processing system. Policies and measures to safeguard food security are further proposed, including: (i) Strengthen government’s food security responsibility; provincial government is responsible for the region’s arable and water resource protection, grain production, distribution, storage and marketing regulation. (ii) Strongly protect production resources, including arable land and grassland. (iii) Strengthen scientific and technological support to agriculture, establish the government-led multiple founding system and encourage business sectors and farmer associations to disseminate agricultural technologies. (iv) Increase agriculture input for infrastructure, finance service and production subsidies. (v) Perfect grain macro control mechanism, improve grain statistic system, emergency response system, grain distribution policies, and strengthen grain administration system. (vi) Promote healthy food consumption and reduce food chain waste. (vii) Push forward food legislation. (viii) Implement specific programmes and plans regarding grain production, distribution, storage, process and consumption. 10 specific programme and plans are proposed, including: (i) The plan to increase grain production capability by 50 Mt (2009–2020). (ii) Arable land protection and land reclaim development plan. (iii) Water resource protection and development plan. (iv) Agricultural and food science and technology development plan. (v) Grain saving livestock development plan. (vi) Edible vegetable oil development plan. (vii) Modern grain logistic development plan. (viii) Grain storage system development plan. (ix) Grain processing industry development plan. (x) Policies and measurements for healthy food consumption.

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