This Regulation prescribes obligatory conditions, order and procedures for ambient air quality assessment and management. The Regulation consists of 39 articles divided into 7 Chapters: General provisions (I); Ambient air quality assessment (II); Measurements for determination of ambient air quality (III); Provisions for quality measurement (IV); Registration, validation and storage of measurement results (V); Management (maintenance and improvement) of ambient air quality (VI); Population information (VII). The National and Local Monitoring and Control Systems shall provide data and results from the ambient air quality assessment. Measurements for ambient air quality assessment shall be performed at fixed monitoring sites (Annex 1). When possible, the following meteorological parameters shall be measured in the monitoring sites, in addition to the pollutant levels: wind destination and velocity; temperature and water vapour content of the ambient air; atmospheric pressure; and solar radiation. The results from the measurements which have been performed in ambient air quality monitoring sites shall be registered in protocols (art. 23). The Regional Environmental Inspectorate in co-ordination with the National Centre of Environment and Sustainable Development shall prepare a list of the areas situated on its territory, within which the levels of one or several different pollutants are exceeding the established limit values and shall undertake the necessary measures.
Regulation No. 7 on ambient air quality assessment and management.