The vision of the Strategy is oriented towards an implemented environmental protection sector reform, so as an institutional, administrative and environmental management system, adjusted to the EU requirements will be functioning and ensuring environmental sustainability and increase the quality of the environment. The goal of the Strategy is to guarantee the right of the population for a sustainable, unpolluted and healthy environment in harmony with economic development and social welfare. The general objective is the creation of an efficient environmental management system, which would contribute to the increase in the environmental factors’ quality and guarantee the right of the population for a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. The specific objectives of the Strategy are: ensuring conditions for good governance and effectiveness of institutional and managerial potential in the field of environmental protection to achieve environmental objectives; integration of environmental protection, sustainable development and green economy principles, of climate change adaptation principles into all sectors of the national economy; raising the level of environmental protection knowledge among students and employees with at least 50% until 2023 and ensuring access to environmental information; reducing the negative impact of economic activity on the environment and improving measures of environmental pollution prevention; creation of an integrated monitoring and environmental quality control system; ensuring rational use, protection and conservation of natural resources through: a) improving the quality of at least 50% of surface waters by implementing hydrographic basins management system; b) ensuring access of about 80% of the population to safe water supply systems and services and of about 65% to sanitation systems and services; c) improving soil quality and ecological restoration of degraded, affected by landslides lands and farmland buffer strips up to 100%, as well as sustainable management and protection of useful mineral resources; d) sustainable management and protection of useful mineral resources; e) expansion of forest areas to 15% of the country’s territory, of natural areas protected by state up to 8% and ensuring efficient and sustainable management of natural ecosystems; creation of an integrated air quality management system, reduction of pollutants emissions into the atmosphere by 30% by 2023 and greenhouse gases emissions by at least 20% by 2020 compared to the baseline scenario; creation of integrated waste and chemicals management systems that would contribute to a 30% reduction in the amount of landfilled waste and a 20% increase in recycling rate until 2023.
Environmental Strategy for the years 2014-2023.