
Fertilizer Manufacturing and Trade Proclamation (No. 137/1998).

The 30 articles of this Proclamation are divided into 5 Sections: General (1); Competence Assurance Certificate (2); Manufacturing, dealing and distribution of fertilizer (3); Enforcement of bodies and their duties (4); Miscellaneous (5).; A person who wants to engage in the wholesale or retail trade in, and importation, exportation or manufacturing of fertilizer (defined in article 20 shall hold a competence assurance certificate issued by the National Fertilizer Industry Agency. Articles 4 to 12 prescribe procedures of application and conditions for granting or renewal of a certificate. All fertilizers traded in Ethiopia shall be conform the requirements of Ethiopian standards and shall be registered by the Agency for use in Ethiopia as fertilizer (art. 13). Other provisions of Section Three concern package and labeling of fertilizer, sale of bulk fertilizers, sale of fertilizers that do not meet Ethiopian Standards, Notifications by importers, licensing of manufacturers, importers and traders, and disposal of adultered fertilizer. Section 4 defines duties and responsibilities of the National Fertilizer Industry Agency and the Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia in respect of matters covered by this Proclamation. The Authority shall inspect and certify imported fertilizer. The Agency shall carry out functions listed in article 22 in addition to those assigned to it by the Proclamation providing for the establishment of the Agency.

Regional Info



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Policy Type: 



Agriculture, Industry


Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
