
Regional Ecological Code (No BC-13/28 of 1992).

The Regional Law consists of 15 Sections that contain 95 articles. The present Ecological Code establishes legal, economic and social basis for the organization of environmental protection in the interests of the present and the future generations. The purpose of the regional ecological legislation are legal regulation in the sphere of protection, utilization and reproduction of natural resources, ensuring ecological safety, prevention of negative environmental impact of economic activity, conservation of natural resources, genetic fund of the animate nature, landscapes and other objects of nature representing cultural heritage. Ecosystems, ozone layer, land, subsoil, surface and groundwater, atmospheric air, forests and other vegetation, wildlife, genetic fund and natural landscapes are under protection against pollution, spoilage, damage, exhaustion and depletion. State nature reserves, National Parks, rare and endangered plants and animals, and their natural habitats are posted under special protection (Art. 5). The state shall guarantee ecological rights of citizens and ecological and other social associations in the sphere of environmental protection (Art. 16). Contract on complex nature management, envisaging the payment of environmental fees, shall be concluded by the local administration and nature manager after environmental audit. Nature management shall be carried out in conformity with licence issued by the regional authorities (Art. 20). Basic ecological education shall be compulsory in the pre-school, high school and academies (Art. 76).

Regional Info


Russian Federation

Territorial Division: 


Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
