The Egyptian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2030 specifies the following Strategic Goals: Conserve and manage terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity to ensure sustainable use and equitable benefits to the people (SG1); Sustainable use of natural resources (SG2); Access to genetic resources and Benefit sharing - Nagoya protocol, indigenous knowledge and traditions (SG3); Improve our understanding of biological diversity and ecosystem functioning in a changing environment (SG4); Prepare for climate change and combat desertification (SG5); Build partnerships and integrate biodiversity into all national development frameworks (SG6) (pags. 3 and 4). It promoting the conservation and sustainable use of wild resources outside national protected areas in consultation and collaboration with rural communities and user groups (pag. 57). Biodiversity is a natural asset that fortifies Egyptian future based on its natural, physical, and human assets. Egypt most serious challenges represented in poverty eradication, food security, provision of fresh water, soil conservation, and human health all depend directly on maintaining and using biological diversity. Tourism is estimated to have accounted for 20.5% of GDP in 2011, and it is a key that links Egyptian economic development with poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation (pag. 66). Priority Actions of the Egyptian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan include: developing habitat mapping, and sensitivity analysis of the entire coastline; develop data base management systems of fishery resources based on stock assessment; prepare and implement pilot Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plans; conserve key threatened coastal, coral relief, mangrove and marine species, habitats and ecosystems; re-plant/re-forest mangroves wherever feasible. Strategic Goals 1 and 2 specify the following sectors:Conservation and management of terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity to ensure sustainable use and equitable benefits to the people (SG1); Sustainable use of natural resources (SG2). The specific SG2 states in T5 that EBSAP will reach by 2020 the conservation of natural resources through the adoption of ecologically sustainable agricultural management practices, including control of fertilizers and pesticides. National targets were developed for specific action programs (agricultural biodiversity, inland water, coastal and marine ecosystems, arid and semi-humid and mountains ecosystems) then included within National Environmental Action Plan (2002-2017), relevant national strategies (i.e. wetlands, eco-tourism and medicinal plants). Inclusive food and agriculture systems enable commercial small- and medium-scale production and processing enterprises to sustainably participate in markets. The Strategy conducts an economic valuation of the country’s biodiversity and ecosystems services according to the international standards; develop an integral value of biodiversity and its links with livelihoods and key ecosystem services to human well-being and human development; develop the right tools and mechanism to incorporate the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services into the national plans; formulate an indicative economic plan for biodiversity conservation, based on international experience; create sustainable economic mechanisms for the conservation of biodiversity (pag. 72). Strategic Goals 4 and 5 specify the following sectors: Improve our understanding of biological diversity and ecosystem functioning in a changing environment (SG4); Prepare for climate change and combat desertification (SG5);
Egyptian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2030.