
Directive No. Z/31 of 2003 defining requirements and conditions for the importation of fertilizers and plant growing regulators.

This Directive is composed of 12 articles and 5 Annexes. Articles 1 and 2 deal with terms and definitions. Article 3 prohibits the importation of agricultural fertilizers listed in Annex 5 without previous licences from the Ministry of Agriculture. Article 4 defines requirements and conditions for the importation of fertilizers and plant growing regulators. Article 5 authorizes agricultural companies producers of fertilizers and plant growing regulators to import raw materials related to the production of fertilizers and plant growing regulators. The imported fertilizers and plant growing regulators should be registered at the Ministry of Agriculture (art. 6). Article 7 fixes measures and steps to be taken at the arrival of consignments. Article 8 entrusted the Ministry of Agriculture to analyze samples of fertilizers and plant growing regulators. Licence-holders for the production and sale of fertilizers and plant growing regulators shall keep a register to indicate imported quantities and dates (art. 9). Article 11 contains offences and penalties. Annex 1 contains the list of simple fertilizers. Annex 2 contains chemical compounds of fertilizers. Annex 3 contains the natural or processed organic fertilizers and planting means. Annex 4 contains soil amendments. Annex 5 contains propagative materials.

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Original Title: 

تعليمات رقم (ز/31) لسنة 2003 بشروط استيراد مخصبات ومنظمات نمو النبات صادرة بموجب المادة (20) من قانون الزراعة المؤقت رقم (44) لسنة 2002
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