
Ministerial Decree No. 344 regarding environmental charges for the emission of pollutants into atmospheric air from stationary and non-stationary sources, discharge of pollutants into surface and groundwater basins, disposal of industrial and consumer waste.

The Premier decrees as follows: 1) to establishes rates of environmental charges for the emission of pollutants into atmospheric air from stationary and non-stationary sources, discharge of pollutants into surface and groundwater basins, disposal of industrial and consumer waste in accordance with Annex 1; 2) to establish that rates of environmental charges for the emission of pollutants into atmospheric air from stationary and non-stationary sources, discharge of pollutants into surface and groundwater basins, disposal of industrial and consumer waste must be applied with the use of co-efficient in consideration of ecological factors in accordance with Annex 2 and the additional co-efficient 2 for protected areas, including sanatoria and health resorts, as well as Extreme North ant the areas of the same conferred status, the Baikal natural area and areas of ecological disaster.

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