This Integrated Water Management Plan for the Tuul River Basin is one of the two basin model plans developed pursuant to the Law on Water. The Plan is approved and implemented for the purpose of conducting inter-sectoral management and defining the sectors’ future development on the basis of the river basin water resources. The Tuul river basin management plan has 9 chapters and 122 sub topics. Chapter describes the geography and natural conditions; the second Chapter describes the water resources and water quality; Chapter 3 describes the socio-economic development; Chapter 4 describes the water use and water demand of the socioeconomic sectors and about hydro constructions; the 5th Chapter describes the water use balance; Chapter 6 describes the negative impacts on the water resources and about water fees and water tariffs; Chapter 7 describes the challenges of the water management plan and the strategic objectives; Chapter 8 describes the integrated water resources management plan measures; and the last Chapter describes the implementing organization, structure and monitoring of the plan. The table of measures consists of 19 challenges and 232 activities. Chapters 3,4 and 5 contain measures and recommendations relative to the water management, water uses and demand for various purposes including agriculture The Tuul river basin administration was established according to the Water Law. In 2010, according to the order of the Minister of Nature and Environment, the Mongolian territory was divided into 29 water basins. The Tuul river basin has the highest importance in water use and water demand in the country. Ulaanbaatar city is located in the basin and the population density as well as the concentration of production and services has increased in the last two decades. Also water use and water demand and negative impacts on the environment increased. Water resources are getting less and the water regime is changed, while the sectors future development depends on the river basin water resources. The Plan outlines basic measures that must be implemented for the five strategic objectives (challenges): To supply the population with safe drinking water, improve treatment level of domestic waste water and improve sanitation; To improve agricultural water supply; To solve water supply and waste water treatment of industry, mining and energy; To keep river basin ecosystem balance; To establish comfortable environment of river basin water management. Issues to be solved in the basin within the framework of specified main challenges are: Improving the urban and rural area population safe drinking water supply and domestic waste water treatment level; Improving rural population water supply and sanitation; Developing tourism and sanatorium water supply and sanitation; Improving livestock water supply; Expanding crop irrigation; Industrial water supply; Developing mining water supply technology; Renewing energy and thermal water supply technology; Preventing water resources from scarcity; protection and expansion; Protecting water resources from pollution, decreasing pollution; Keeping ecosystem balance; Rehabilitating water resources; Neutralizing damages of flood, drought, famine and other natural disasters; Water management legislation; Water sector administrative structure; Water sector financing; Water management human resources; Water resources monitoring, research, survey; Data, data management, public awareness. The Plan will be implemented in 2 phases between 2013-2015 and 2016-2021 in relation with the “MDG-based National Comprehensive Development Strategy” and other relevant policies. the Plan sets out the role of stakeholders in implementing the Plan. It contains a risk assessment for its implementation.
Tuul River Basin Integrated Water Management Plan.