
Water and Sewerage Act (Chapter 54:40).

An Act makes provision for the development and control of water supply and sewerage facilities and the management and conservation of water resources in Trinidad and Tobago. The Act consists of 87 sections of the Act are divided into a Title and five Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Water (III); Sewerage (IV); General and Miscellaneous (V).; Part III is divided into the following headings: Responsibility for Water (sects. 42-46); Conservation and Protection of Water Resources (47-54); Acquisition of Water Rights (55-56); Miscellaneous and General (57-60). Part IV is divided as follows: Preliminary (61); Responsibility for Sewerage, Sanitation and Works and Fittings in Buildings (62-63); Construction and Operation of Sewerage Works (64-66); Payment of Certain Works (67-68); Sanitary Constructors (69); Miscellaneous (70).; The five schedules of the Act contain up to 48 pages of additional rules: Provisions Applicable to By-laws under Part III (I); Compulsory Purchase Order (II); General Provisions Applicable to the Authority under Parts III and IV of the Act and to be incorporated in Orders relating to Water Purveyors and in Licences Granted under section 44 of the Act (III); Provisions Applicable to the Authority Under Part III of the Act and to be Incorporated in Orders Relating to Water Purveyors and in Licences Granted under Section 44 of the Act (IV); Provisions Applicable to the Authority under Part IV of the Act (V).; The First Schedule contains rules relative to the confirmation by the Minister of by-laws made by the Authority. In Schedule 2 rules for a compulsory purchase order for the purchase of land or water rights by the Authority under section 71 (1) are formulated: Form, contents, procedure, compensation and arbitration. Provisions of Schedule III relate to powers of the Authority and purveyors of licences to abstract water for industrial purposes under section 44 in relation to the construction of waterworks. Provisions of Schedule 4 formulate more rights and duties of water purveyors under section 44. Provisions of Schedule 5 outline rights of the Authority with respect to the construction, maintenance, preventing of misuse etc. of sewerage facilities.

Regional Info


Trinidad and Tobago

Language (ISO Code): 


Policy Type: 







Temporal Info

Date - Original Text: 


Date - Consolidation: 
