
Resolution No. 2062 defining the boundaries of Ayn Attanour Spring, Assamak Spring and Alborhaneyah Spring, to prevent pollution and to be considered as protected areas.

This Resolution is composed of 17 articles. The Ayn Attanour Spring, Assamak Spring and Alborhaneyah Spring, with boundaries defined in the attached topographic map conserved at the Ministry of Irrigation-Public Water Pollution Control Department, Water Resources Department, Studies Department, General Irrigation Department of Orontes River Basin, General Department for Drinking Water and Sewerage Water-Province of Hems, Tourism Department of Hems and the Technical Services Department in Hems, are to be considered protected areas (art. 1). Article 4 deals with the filling up of authorized and unauthorized wells located within boundaries of the aforementioned springs as well as the establishment of a technical committee for the compensation of the owners of these wells. Articles 5-7 deal with activities prohibited in these areas, as follows: (a) all industrial and architectural activities; (b) the random use of pesticides and fertilizers; (c) irrigation of the cultivated land by using sewerage and drainage water; (d) construction of buildings, residences, industrial installations; (e) creation of treatment stations for sewerage waters; (f) creation of mines and stone quarries; (g) creation of dumps for waste disposal and refuses; (h) creation of cemeteries; (i) creation of camping, stadiums and military installations; (j) creation of roads and streets; and, (k) penetration and filtration of oil, combustibles, poisons and radioactive materials. The digging of wells and the installation of pumps in the protected areas are prohibited (art. 11). The General Irrigation Department of Orontes Basin shall lay a plan for the development and creation of a modern irrigation net in the zones B, C, D, E1 as illustrated in the attached map (art. 13). The General Irrigation Department of Orontes Basin shall implement the provisions of this Resolution cooperating with the Ministry of Irrigation (art. 14). Provisions of this Resolution shall not be applied to drinking water wells belonging to the Government Departments (art. 16).

Regional Info


Syrian Arab Republic

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
