
Fertilizer Control Act.

The purpose of this Act is to maintain and promote agricultural productivity and to protect agricultural environment through quality preservation of fertilizers. The provisions of this Act shall not apply for cases described in article 3. The Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may establish, change or abolish the legal standards on fertilizers, or designate or abolish by-product fertilizers. The National Agricultural Cooperatives Federation or local governments shall supply fertilizers to regulate the demand and supply of fertilizers and to maintain price stability. The National Agricultural Cooperatives Federation shall establish and keep a fertilizer account (art. 8). The Minister for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries may restrict importation of harmful fertilizers (art. 10). To run a business of producing and selling, or distributing or supplying free of charge fertilizers or an importing business one must register the said business and follow the registration standards determined by the Presidential Decree (art. 11 and 12). Fertilizer business operators shall indicate the certification of fertilizers on the surface of containers or packing of ordinary fertilizers and by-product fertilizers and shall not distribute or sell fertilizers listed in article 14. The for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or the Mayor/Do governor may examine the quality of fertilizers produced and if they should fall under the subparagraphs listed in article 19 the business operators shall take necessary measures such as their sales suspension, recovery or destruction. Article 20 deals with matters related to revocation of registration and suspension of a fertilizer business. The remaining part of the Act contains penal provisions and provisions of miscellaneous nature.

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Korea, Republic of

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