
Ministerial Decree No. 56 on approval of rules regarding the use, width and boundaries of water conservation zones and their coastal zones.

This Decree aims at taking environmental protection measures for the improvement of the hydrological, hydro-chemical, hydro-biological, soil and sanitary conditions of water bodies and their coastal zones. The use, width and boundaries of water conservation zones and their coastal zones shall be established in accordance with the projects elaborated according to the requirements set by the Azerbaijan Amelioration and Water Management Open Joint Stock Company, The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The awareness of the public shall be raised regarding this issue. This Decree states that the following activities are prohibited in water conservation zones: (i) using pesticides, (ii) building wastewater treatment plant, (iii) storing oil products, (iv) laying pipes, cables and communication lines without consent and (v) excavating, drilling and other construction works. In addition, the following activities are prohibited in coastal zones: (i) deforestation and pulling up trees and shrubs by the roots, (ii) farming and using fertilizers, (iii) land allocation for construction and (iv) passage of vehicles. This Decree underlines that the water conservation zones, where spawning areas and drinking water resources are located, shall be designated as protected area. Thinning and other forestry activities for protection of water bodies are allowed in water conservation zones.

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