
Government Regulation on Rivers (No. 35 of 1991).

This Government Regulation lays down general provisions concerning a number of governmental functions relating to the development, conservation and mitigation of harmful effects, of rivers, natural lakes and reservoirs. All relevant activities are subject to river basin plans, the formation of which is the responsibility of the Minister responsible for water resources, while the implementation of plans devolves upon State-owned water management companies (Perum) or the provincial governments (art. 11). River structures, including reservoirs, can be constructed, operated and maintained directly by the Government or, on licence from it, by Perums or other third parties (arts. 12-15). Provincial governors are mandated to coordinate all flood mitigation activities and are empowered to take related emergency measures (arts. 19 and 20). To protect the bed and banks of rivers, a strip of land measuring at least five metres from the outer foot of the embankment or, if no embankment exists, measuring such width as is determined by the above-mentioned Minister, is to be set aside for controlled management under the direct authority of the Minister (arts. 4-6). The disposal of wastes in or near rivers, which is likely to result in pollution or degradation of the quality of river waters so as to impair further water use and to harm the environment, is prohibited (art. 27). The taking of water from rivers is subject to a government licence, except for personal consumption (art. 28). The excavation and removal of inert materials from the bed and banks of rivers is to be restricted to locations designated by the provincial governors (art. 29). (35 articles divided into 17 Chapters)

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