
Environment Law No. 2872.

Stated objectives of the Law include making provision for the improvement of use of land and natural resources and preserving the country's vegetative and livestock assets and natural and historical richness (art. 1). The 34 articles of the Law are divided into 6 Sections: Objective, Definitions and Principles (1); Central and Local Administrative Divisions and their Functions (2); Precautions and Prohibitions Regarding Environmental Protection (3); Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund (4); Penal Provisions (5); Miscellaneous Provisions (6). Provisions regarding the Central Environmental Board and the Provincial Environmental Board of Section 2 are repealed by subsequent amendments of the Law. Provisions of Section 3 prohibit various forms of pollution, empower the Council of Ministers to declare Special Environmental Protection Areas, oblige institutions, agencies and establishments which may cause harm to the environment to prepare environmental impact assessment reports, and regulate licences and inspection. Importation, transport and storage of harmful chemicals shall be subject of further regulation. Article 17 of Section 4 provides for the establishment of an Environmental Pollution Prevention Fund. The Act is completed by an attachment in which provisional articles that cannot be included into the main law are listed.

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