
Resolution No. 84/T issuing the implementing directives for the importation, circulation and production of mineral fertilizers.

This Resolution issues the implementing directions and guidelines for the importation, circulation and production of mineral fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers are classified as follows: (a) mineral fertilizers composed of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; (b) mineral fertilizers composed of calcium, magnesium and sulphur; (c) inert mineral fertilizers; (d) simple fertilizers; and, (e) complex fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers shall be registered at the Ministry of Agriculture for their importation, circulation and production according to the attached technical requirements. The Agricultural Affairs Department will carry out the registration of imported and locally produced fertilizers upon presentation of the necessary documents and certificates as well as the respect of the safety and security of the environment. The label must be sealed by the Agricultural Material Control Committee and shall contain the percentage of the elements contained in the fertilizers, name and address of the producer and the country of origin, number and date of the registration at the Ministry of Agriculture, expiry date, weight and date of production. The technical, commercial, scientific and advertising publication shall be adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture. Requirements and conditions for packages, samples and analysis methods, requirements, conditions and documents necessary for the exportation of fertilizers are provided for in this Resolution. Fertilizers must be accompanied by an Environment Safety Certificate.

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Original Title: 

قرار رقم 84/ت باصدار التعليمات التنفيذية لإستيراد وتداول وانتاج الاسمدة المعدنية
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Syrian Arab Republic

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