
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.

This document lays down the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, which aims to ensure that natural resources are used sustainably for present and future generations. Tha strategy was adopted pursuant to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Its vision is that the Federated States of Micronesia will have more extensive, diverse, and higher quality of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems, which meet human needs and aspirations fairly, preserve and utilize traditional knowledge and practices, and fulfill the ecosystem functions necessary for all life on earth. The document encompasses the following strategic 11 themes: ecosystem management; species management; genetic resources use; agrobiodiversity; ecological sustainable industry development; biosecurity; waste management; human resources and institutional development; resource owners; mainstreaming biodiversity; financial resources. The strategy aims to help eliminate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition. The conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity is recognized to be an important contribution to the nation’s development and the future food security of the Federated States of Micronesia. The following actions are foreseen to enhance food security: develop and implement new and existing programmes that promote the production of local nutritional food; develop and implement programmes that increase local food production and enhance agrobiodiversity; encourage sustainable breeding programmes for livestock (e.g. pigs and chickens). The strategy also aims to make agriculture, forestry and fisheries more productive and sustainable. Specific measures are set out relating to agrobiodiversity. Actions shall be implemented to promote methodologies for sustainable use of agrobiodiversity; establish incentives that encourage conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity; promote environmentally sound agricultural practices (e.g. organic farming, agroforestry and polyculture); and identify, promote and enhance existing programmes for the inventory, propagation and preservation of traditional species, varieties, cultivars and breeds. The strategy further aims to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural systems. The objective is to develop and strengthen the capacity of resources owners, traditional leaders, communities, technical staff and policy makers in the coordination and implementation of conserving, preserving and sustainably utilizing and developing the biodiversity of the Federated States of Micronesia. Special attention is given to traditional knowledge, practices and innovations. The strategy’s goal is that traditional resource owners and communities are fully involved in the protection, conservation, preservation, and sustainable use of the nation’s biodiversity. In the field of governance, the objective is to develop and strengthen the capacity of national, State and municipal government agencies, Non Governmental Organizations and academic institutions in the coordination, education and implementation of activities for conserving, preserving and sustainably utilizing biodiversity.

Regional Info


Micronesia, Fed. States

Policy Type: 





Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: