The Sub-Decree includes the following Chapters: I, General provisions; II, Provisions on waste and hazardous discharge; III, Effluent discharge permit; IV, Monitoring of the pollution sources; V, Water Pollution Monitoring in Public Water Areas; VI, Inspection Procedure; VII, Penalty; VIII, Final provisions;Annex 1, Type of the hazardous substances; Annex 2, Effluent standard for pollution sources discharging wastewater to public water areas or sewer; Annex 3, Type of pollution sources required having a permission from Ministry of Environment before discharging or transporting their wastewater; Annex 4, Water Quality Standard in public water areas for bio-diversity conservation;Annex 5, Water Quality Standard in public water areas for public health protection. This sub-decree provides for the water pollution control in order to prevent and reduce public water areas pollution in order to protect human and animal health and ensure the conservation of bio-diversity.
Sub-Decree On Water Pollution Control No. 27 ANRK.BK