This Regulation establishes minimum requirements for organic agricultural production in plants and plant products, including specific procedures and standards for growing plants and management of organic production, among other things: plan generation units, the terms of the transitional period, parallel production, selection of plants and species, maintenance of fertility, the list of permitted fertilizers and goals for the improvement of soil management, permanent crops (orchards, vineyards and forests) and natural areas, conditions and manner of packing, handling and storage and allowed conditions and procedures for transportation.; Organic production of plants and plant products is based on the following principles: a) the preservation of biological and landscape diversity, especially the stability of natural habitats and conservation of wild plant species; b) alignment and proper management regarding the selection of crop species and varieties, multi-year crop rotation, selection of soil tillage, fertilization and protection, and strengthen of the resistance to pests; c) concern for the proper care of the soil, keeping and increasing its fertility and biological activity, content of organic matter and nutrients, improvement of soil structure and procedures for its protection from various forms of degradation; d) protection of beneficial organisms: pollinators, predators, birds and other; e) ecologically justified processing and use (recycling) of waste from manufacturing; f) production, which excludes or only exceptionally allows the use of agrochemicals (fertilizers and various chemical pesticides).; Full Annex is an integral part of this Regulation.
Regulation on Organic Production of Plants and Plant Products.