This Act concerns establishment and management of protected areas in Belize. All protected areas are established collectively as the National Protected Areas System. Protected areas shall be classified as follows: (a) national park; (b) nature reserve; (c) wildlife sanctuary 1; (d) wildlife sanctuary 2; (e) natural monument; (f) forest reserve; (g) marine reserve; (h) archaeological reserve; (i) private protected area; (j) protected landscape or protected seascape; (k) spawning aggregation site; (l) special management area; (m) scenic landscape of geomorphic significance. They may be stablished under the Fisheries Act or the Forestry Act. The main objective of the Act is to promote long-term conservation, management, and sustainable use of Belize’s protected areas, but it also seeks to ensure maintenance of genetic diversity and the diversity of species and habitats. The Act establishes the National Protected Areas Advisory Council, which shall, among other things, prepare at least every five years the National Protected Areas System Plan. Every management plan for each protected area shall be prepared in accordance with the National Management Plan Framework. The Minister may enter into an agreement with an NGO, or another organization, local community, or other party for (a) the co-management of the area by the parties; or (b) the regulation of human activities that affect the environment in the area. Protected areas shall be declared by competent ministers. The Chief Forest Officer shall be responsible for the administration of national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments and nature reserves. The Act sets out certain rules applying to national parks, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and natural monuments. The Act also concerns Belize’s obligations under international and regional conventions relating to the National Protected Areas System (climate change, wetlands, biological diversity, habitats, etc.), issue permits for fishing in any area declared to be a national park, wildlife sanctuary or natural monument, the establishment of biological corridors (also for water conservation) and protection of water resources generally.
National Protected Areas System Act, 2015 (No. 17 of 2015).