This Regional Decree establishes that complex nature reserves “Marsa” and “Vasilyevsky bor” (Vasilyev pinewood), and nature monuments “Fontan” and “Rodnik Nikolsky” (Nikolsky spring) shall be classified as regional protected areas constituted for the period of 10 years (complex nature reserves) and for an indefinite time period (nature monuments) without land expropriation in both cases. Nature reserves shall be destined for conservation of rare and endangered wild fauna species recorded in the regional and national Red Books. Nature reserves shall perform the following functions: (a) conservation of natural forest ecosystems; (b) conservation and protection of habitats of rare, endangered and protected wild fauna and wild flora species; (c) protection and reproduction of wild fauna and wild flora species; (d) maintenance of ecological balance; (e) environmental monitoring; and (f) ecological education. The following activities shall be prohibited: (a) clear cutting, timber extraction and procurement of non-timber forest products; (b) road construction; (c) exploration and mining; (d) grazing and passage of cattle; and (e) application of plant protection chemicals, mineral fertilizers and nutrients. Nature monuments “Fontan” and “Rodnik Nikolsky” (Nikolsky spring) shall be constituted with a view of conservation of unique hydrogeological objects of high aesthetic and cultural value and scientific research of groundwater abstracted from water-well hole. Nature monuments shall perform the following functions: (a) conservation of water-well holes; (b) promotion of ecological tourism and development of recreational infrastructure; (e) environmental monitoring; and (f) ecological education. The following activities shall be prohibited: (a) construction; (b) pipework routing; (c) surface water pollution; (d) waste storage and disposal; and (f) application of plant protection chemicals, mineral fertilizers and nutrients.
Regional Decree No. 534 validating the Regulation on regional state nature reserves.