
Order No. 478 on model farms type 3 or similar installations.

This Order lays down rules on the maximum allowable discharge of nutrients and organic material in adherence to the Environmental Protection Act, Chapter 5 of freshwater fish farms. These rules shall apply for environmental approval of model fish farm type 3, and freshwater fish farms applying for conversion to model fish farm type 3 or similar facilities with similar cleaning efficiency, partly by already environmentally approved model fish farm type 3. A model fish farm type 3 is a fish farm that meets the requirements for cleaning measures, technical design and retention, as shown in Appendix 1. Application to convert a freshwater fish farm must be in writing and shall be submitted to the local council with evidence that the operation and design is consistent with the wording in Annex 1 or that at least the same cleaning efficiency, see Annex 2 and 3 can be obtained by another device of the cleaning measures at the farm.; The Order consists of 5 Chapters and 4 Appendix: Scope (1); Emission standards established by conversion of freshwater fish farm to fish farm model type 3 or similar installations, or for already environmentally approved model fish farm type 3 (2); Self-monitoring (3); Administrative provisions (4); Criminal, entry into force and transitional provisions (5).; Appendix 1 - Operation and design of model fish farm type 3.; Appendix 2 - Calculation of the maximum annual and daily emissions from fish farms.; Appendix 3 - Other discharge requirements.; Appendix 4 - Auto-monitoring.

More Info

Original Title: 

Bekendtgørelse om modeldambrug type 3 eller lignende anlæg.
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Policy Type: 



Agriculture: Aquaculture




Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
