
Regulation No. 34 regarding emissions of pollutants into the aquatic environment.

This Regulation determines: 1) emission limit values for waste water and prohibitions to emit pollutants into the aquatic environment; 2) sensitive areas where extensive waste water treatment shall be applied, criteria for identification of these areas, their management procedure and boundaries; 3) procedure for controlling emissions of pollutants into the aquatic environment and for monitoring and reporting to be followed by the operator; 4) procedure for making information available to the general public to be followed by the Latvian Environmental Agency. This Regulation applies to all waters: 1) surface water, including inland surface waters defined as all static and flowing fresh surface waters; internal coastal waters, defined here as surface waters on the land-ward side of the base line from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured, extending, in the case of watercourses, up to the freshwater limit: the place in the watercourse where, at low tide and in a period of low freshwater flow, there is an appreciable increase in salinity due to the presence of seawater; territorial waters; 2) groundwater, defined here as all water below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil; waste water, defined here as water that has changed its original physical, chemical or biological characteristics as a result of human activities, including domestic waste water - waste water from residential settlements and services, which originates primarily from the human metabolism and from household activities; run-off rainwater - precipitation that has run off roofs, streets and other completely or partially paved areas; industrial waste water - any waste water discharged from premises used for carrying out any trade or industry, other than domestic waste water and run-off rain water; urban waste water - domestic waste water, the mixture of domestic waste water with industrial waste water, and run-off rain water. The Regulation consists of 9 Sections that contain 73 articles. Section 1 (arts. 1-6) lays down general provisions. Section 2 (arts. 7-16) classifies most dangerous substances and dangerous substances. Section 3 (arts. 17-21) regards emission of the most dangerous and dangerous substances into surface waters. Section 4 (arts. 22-28) regards emission of the most dangerous and dangerous substances into groundwater. Section 5 (arts. 29-47) regards emission of urban waste water. Section 6 (arts. 48-55) regards emission limit values and emission standards. Section 7 (arts. 56-64) monitoring and control. Section 8 (arts. 65-68) regards information and reporting. Section 9 (arts. 69-73) lays down transitional provisions.

Regional Info



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Temporal Info

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