
Decree No. 33 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry validating the Regulation on licensing in the sphere of agricultural production and processing industry.

This Decree establishes the modalities of issuing licences by the Ministry of Agriculture and Processing Industry for the following activities: (a) in the sphere of agricultural production – production of planting material of fruits, berries and grape; production and trade of seeds of vegetables, potatoes, field crops, melons and gourds; production and trade of biological material of animal origin; stockbreeding; manufacturing and trade of fertilizers; and (b) in the sphere of processing industry – processing of tobacco, manufacturing and trade of liquors. The applicants must submit the following documentation: (a) application; (b) registration certificate of the economic entity; and (c) tax inspection certificate attesting the lack of arrears. Licences shall be issued for the period of three years except for manufacturing, storage and wholesale trade of liquors for which the duration of licence shall be of one year.

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Original Title: 

МИНИСТЕРСТВА СЕЛЬСКОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА И ПЕРЕРАБАТЫВАЮЩЕЙ ПРОМЫШЛЕННОСТИ Положение о порядке лицензирования видов деятельности в области сельскохозяйственного производства и перерабатывающей промышленности Nr.33 от 22.01.99
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Moldova, Republic of

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