The purpose of this Act is to prevent and control water pollution, ensure the cleanliness of water resources in order to protect ecological systems and improve the living environment and public health. It consists of 63 articles divided into 5 Chapters. Article 2 defines the terms used in this Act, e.g. living environment, industry, sewage, water pollution control measures, water region, and Responsible Agency, etc. The power to define water regions and to set up water use classification and water quality standards may be delegated to the Responsible Agency at the provincial or municipal government level. Industries shall submit a Water Pollution Control Plan to the Responsible Agency at the provincial or municipal government lever for review and approval prior to their establishment or modification. A discharge permit is required for the discharge wastewater/sewage into surface water bodies, and a permit is valid for five years. Article 28 regulates the activities that are prohibited within a Water Pollution Control Region. Further articles concern the penalties.
Water Pollution Control Act.