This Act aims at improving the public sanitation by establishing a comprehensive plan for water supply and waterworks installations and by appropriately managing waterworks. The Act outlines various duties of the Minister of Environment which shall include: the establishment of a comprehensive plan for national waterworks; the designation of water-source protection areas for securing water sources and conserving the quality of water; and the determination of water-saving equipment and equipment standards, and standards for installing and managing rain-utilization facilities. In order to run a general waterworks business or an industrial waterworks business an authorization shall be obtained by the Minister of Construction and Transportation or the Minister of Environment. The Act further establishes a Tap-Water Quality Evaluation Committee and defines its powers and duties, and establishes the Korea Waterworks and Sewerage Association which shall perform investigation and research, and develop the necessary waterworks technologies. The Act, among other things, also provides for the expropriation and use of land to carry out waterworks business. Supplementary and penal provisions are contained in the text.
Water Supply and Waterworks Installations Act.