This Act declares it the national policy to attain self-sufficiency in rice and corn at the earliest possible time and to provide adequate measures to ensure permanent stability in the production of these cereals. To achieve this objective of increased production, a four-year rice and corn production program shall be prepared and executed under the direct control and management of a Rice and Corn coordinating Council. The Council shall be responsible for the success of the promotion of rice and corn production; and it shall formulate the overall policies and methods that will guide the implementation of the program. The rice and corn production program shall cover the following phases: (1) research and experimentation of seed varieties for both rice and corn; (2) production and distribution of registered and certified seeds; (3) procurement and distribution of certified fertilizers and soil conditioners; (4) control of plant pests and plant animal diseases; (5) public agricultural information, including demonstration farms; and (6) purchase of modern rice and corn processing mills. Tasks to various agencies are assigned, including the sale of fertilizers and soil conditioners.
Rice and Corn Production Act of 1958 (Republic Act No. 2084).