This Law consists of 13 Chapters that contain 66 articles. The present Law has as its purpose conservation and improvement of quality of atmospheric air, it renewal for ensuring ecological safety and prevention of negative environmental impact. Enterprises, institutions, organizations and other subjects of economic activity which activity is related to emission on pollutants into atmospheric air, hazardous impact thereon shall have the duty to ensure inspection over the amount and composition of pollutants emitted into atmospheric air and the maintenance of level of hazardous physical and other impact thereon and to suspend or completely stop production process in case of impossibility to comply with air quality norms and standards regarding protection of atmospheric air. The following norms shall be set up for the purpose of obtaining and conservation of favourable quality of atmospheric air: a) norms of total allowable concentration of pollutants in atmospheric air; b) norms of total allowable emission of pollutants in atmospheric air and hazardous physical and other impacts thereon; c) norms of contents of pollutants in exhausts and hazardous impact of stationary sources on atmospheric air; d) norms of specific emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air.
Law No. 29-Z on protection of atmospheric air.