
Strategic Plan for the Food Crop, Livestock and Forestry Sectors (2016-2020).

This document lays down the Strategic Plan for the Food Crop, Livestock and Forestry Sectors, a national strategy with a multi-sectoral approach covering the period 2016-2020. The strategy aims to enable and facilitate the advancement of agriculture and the agri-business sector for improved food security and safety in line with requirements for sustainable development, with support from national service providers and regional stakeholders. The overall goal is to raise the national food security level by maintaining self-sufficiency in those agricultural products where it is possible and by generating a significant, concomitant increase in local production of others. The strategy aims at eliminating food insecurity and malnutrition through the contribution of the agricultural sector. The strategy seeks to make agriculture and forestry more productive and sustainable. This should be achieved through a shift to sustainable agricultural practices and using methods of production and protection that are eco-friendly but conducive to safer and better human nutrition. The instrument calls for promoting the development of sustainable agriculture and organic farming through environment friendly production techniques and efficient management of natural resources. In line with Government’s vision for bio-food, bio-farming including permaculture and other variants will be promoted. This will require a drastic change in farmers’ mindset as regards agrochemicals. The following measures are proposed: a) sensitization of the public on the importance of consuming bio-food, and valuing the difference; b) development of bio-production protocols; c) establishment of dedicated bio-farming zones, and the relevant conditions to be imposed on land use and crop management; d) training of farmers in production of bio-food production; e) introduction of a bio-farming certificate or label to encourage bio-food production. The reduction of rural poverty is among of the main objectives of this strategic document. Measures are set to empower farmers and contribute to poverty allevation. Furthermore the strategy seeks to enable more inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. It calss for re-engineering of the agricultural sector into an agroindustry with a view to: (a) increasing the efficiency and profitability of the sector, (b) rendering it more attractive for young entrepreneurs, (c) increasing its contribution to economic growth, and (d) developing it as an engine for jobs and wealth creation hence ensuring its sustainability and improving livelihoods. Further the documents aims at: encouraging value addition of agricultural products for domestic, regional and international markets; ensuring continuous capacity building programes across the sector; strengthening the position of women, youth and vulnerable groups in the value-chains. In addition, the strategy aims to increase the resilience of livelihoods to disasters. It provides for the establishment of an Agricultural Risk Management Framework to increase the resilience of farmers, so as to address their vulnerability to climate changes.

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