This Chapter of Division 7 of the Californian Water Code divides, for the purpose of this division, the state into nine regions and establishes a board for each region. Each board shall consist of seven members appointed by the Governor, each of whom shall represent, and act on behalf of, all the people. Pursuant to such guidelines as the the State Water Resources Control Board may establish, each regional board shall adopt regulations to carry out its powers and duties under this division. Each regional board may issue policy statements relating to any water quality matter within its jurisdiction. The functions and powers of regional boards are defined. Each regional board shall formulate and adopt water quality control plans for all areas within the region.; The Chpapter also, among other things, makes provision with respect to wastwater discharge requirements, groundwater treatment facilities, solid waste processing and civil liability.
Water Code - Division 7: Regional Water Control Program (secs. 13200 - 13286.9).