The Regulation has 21 sections, plus Schedule A on Undertakings, and rquires that certain undertakings be registered with the Minister of the Environment and Local Government (Minister). Its objective is to include environmental objectives at the early design stages of projects, structures, works or programs and lists those perceived as sources of negative environmental impact (Schedule A). It also explains the procedures, duties, rights and responsibilities of the Minister for these undertakings and for the performers of these undertakings (sects. 4-18). All Schedule A undertakings shall be registered in advance with the Minister, who decides whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required and the timing, content and recording of the EIA (sects. 3- 7). The Minister shall establish a review committee for each undertaking requiring an EIA (sect. 8) and draft guidelines for the content each EIA (sects. 9.1 and 9.2). The performer of the undertaking may submit an alternate EIA (sects. 10 and 11.1). The Minister and the review committee determine the acceptability of the EIA and, if a cepted, public notice and a public meeting are required (sects. 11.2 through 11. and secs. 12-14). The Lieutenant-Governor in Council has final EIA approval, may revoke or suspend any EIA and order the undertaking discontinued (sects. 16 a d 17). There are provisions for inspections, at any reasonable time the Minister determines, private dwellings excluded (secs.19 and 20). Some examples of Schedule A undertakings are commercial extraction or processing of a mineral as defined in the Mining Act; electric power generating facilities with a production rating of three megawatts or more; sewerage disposal or treatment; waste disposal; and activities featuring protected areas, wetlands, or other endangered features of the environment.
Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation - Clean Environment Act (N.B. Reg. 87-83).