
Regulation on air quality assessment and management.

This Regulation sets forth principles and objectives concerning air quality so as to avoid or reduce harmful effects on human health and the environment as a whole. It lays down provisions governing the assessment of air quality on the basis of defined methods and criteria. Furthermore, it defines procedures to obtain adequate information on air quality and ensure that it is made available to the public by means of alert thresholds. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry and its provincial departments will conduct preliminary assessment of the air quality. Details regarding the assessment of the air quality are given in the Regulation. The Ministry shall take all necessary mesaures to ensure the threshold values indicated in these provisions. The Ministry and its provincial departments will classify the zones and subzones in accordance with the level of pollutants, whether such pollutants exceed the threshold values or remain within the threshold values or below such values.

Regional Info



Policy Type: 

Data and methods




Temporal Info

Date - Final Text: 
