Environmental Impact Assessment - a procedure to be carried out as required by this Law in order to assess the potential environmental impact of the Proposed Development and draft proposals for the prevention or reduction of negative impacts. The purpose of this Law is to prevent or reduce potential negative impacts to the environment of developments proposed by persons or legal entities. Impact Assessment is carried out in accordance with the following principles: 1) Impact Assessment shall be carried out at the earliest possible stage of the planning, design and decision making phase of the Proposed Development; 2) the assessment of impacts of developments listed in the Annex to this Law shall be based on the information provided by the Proponent, and information obtained from interested State and municipal authorities, as well as taking into consideration the viewpoints expressed during public hearings; 3) when a decision has been passed granting permission to proceed with the Proposed Development, the Evaluation Report of the Final Environmental Impact Statement referred to in Article 20 of this Law, is of a recommendatory nature, except in cases where the evaluation prohibits some activities because legal requirements have not been observed; 4) the general public have the right to access information on the Proposed Development and to participate in Impact Assessment procedures; 5) the resolution of environmental problems shall be commenced before comprehensive scientific proof of the negative impact of the Proposed Development on the environment is available. If there is justifiable doubt that the Proposed Development may have negative impacts on the environment, precautionary measures shall be taken and if necessary, the activity shall be prohibited (precautionary principle); 6) the assessment process shall be comprehensive and transparent and in accordance with legal, planning and environmental principles, scientific method, and sustainable economics. The document consists of VII Chapts. that contain 25 Arts. Chapt. I (arts. 1-6) lays down general provisions. Chapt. II (Arts. 7-9) regards application for a proposed development. Chapt. III (Arts. 10-13) deals with Initial impact assessment of a proposed development. Chapt. IV (Arts. 14-20) regards procedure for performance of impact assessment. Chapt. V (Arts. 21-23) regards acceptance of the proposed development. Chapt. VI (Arts. 24-25) regards responsibility of the proponent and experts. Chapt. VII lays down transitional provisions.
Law On environmental impact assessment" (1998)."