This National Water and Sewerage Policy (NWSP) principally articulates priorities for the water supply and sanitation sector in the Maldives and sets out policy goals and associated objectives for the sector. The main objective is access to safe drinking water and sanitation for all. The Policy also encompasses strategies to involve private initiative for the sector and emphasizes development through public awareness, capacity building, research and strengthening of governance and the legal framework. The Policy has a ten-year timeframe and a review of the Policy will be in the fifth year. It is aligned with articles 22 (protection of the environment) and 23 (economic and social rights) of the Constitution and Goal 6 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Policy defines nine specific goals: Ensure access to safe water supply and adequate sewerage services; adopting cost-effective, environmentally-sound and appropriate technologies; strengthening of the legal framework; encourage private investments in the water sector; building institutional capacity; maintains financial and environmental sustainability; strengthen advocacy and awareness; promote research and development; protect and conserve water resources. The Policy sets out by describing the current state of the water sector in the Maldives and challenges and barriers for future development. Subsequently, for each policy goal a policy objective and strategies are defined. Adopting cost-effective, environmentally-sound and appropriate technologies shall be done on a climate-resilient concept. A national coordination mechanism shall be established to ensure sustainability and climate-resiliency shared water infrastructure such as water catchments, storm water and irrigation system. Strategies for economic viability of the system include development of a suitable tariff structure. As for the policy goal to protect and conserve water resources, strategies foresee the establishment of an effective research-based monitoring programme and platform of inhabited islands' resources, the development and implementation of evidence-based plans water resource management plans taking into consideration the vulnerability and of each of the islands' water resources, encouragement of water reclamation, and water reuse, water demand management, and minimization of water pollution. Private investment shall be based on Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR) models. Climate-resilient concepts shall be used in developing water and sewerage systems. Expected outcomes of the Policy include, among other things, improved governance and community participation, especially in the management and protection of local water resources. A five-year action plan will be developed to implement the Policy. This Action Plan will specify in detail activities and targets based on the Policy. Supervision and monitoring of the implementation and review shall be carried out by the Ministry mandated for the development of the water and sewerage sector. Finally, a lists of instruments that have a direct or indirect relationship to the NWSP is provided and institutional and organizational responsibilities are defined.
National Water and Sewerage Policy.