This Sub-Decree includes the following Chapters:I, General Provisions; II, Provisions on Emission of Air Pollutants and Noise; III, Application for Authorization; IV, Pollution Source Monitoring; V, Monitoring of Air Quality; VI, Inspection Procedure; VII, Penalty; VIII,Final provisions; Annex 1,Ambient Air Quality Standard; Annex II, Maximum Allowable Concentration of Hazardous Substance in Ambient Air; Annex III, Maximum Allowable Standard of Pollution Substance for Immovable Sources in Ambient Air; Annex 4, Gas Emission Standard of Mobile Source; Annex 5, Maximum Standard of Noise Emission Level Allowable for Vehicles on Public Roads; Annex 6, Maximum Standard of Noise Level Allowable in the Public and Residential Areas (dB(A)); Annex 7, Noise Control Standard at Workshop,Factory and Industry; Annex 8, Standard of Sulfur, Lead, Benzene, and Hydrocarbon Permitted in Fuel and Coal.; The Sub-decree provides for the management, prevention and control of air and noise pollution, detailing in the Annexes the treshold values for emissions, outlaying the procedures and legal requirements to limit and provide for the pollutants.
ANUKRET No. 42/ANK/BK on The Control of Air Pollution and Noise Disturbance.