Article 1 establishes that any person seeking the approval of a pesticide for agricultural use shall be required to pay the Budgetary Fund for Commodities and Commodities a payment according to the type of demand listed in Article 1. The text comprises 17 articles divided into 11 chapters as follows: Pesticides (I); Animal feed (II); Fertilizers, soil improvers and growing media (III); Artisan mills (IV); Denaturation and incorporation of skim milk powder into animal feed. (V); Certificates (VI); Genetically modified organisms (VII); Biocides (VIII); Hazardous substances (IX); Dangerous preparations (X); Foodstuffs (Xbis); Other consumer products (Xter); Detergents (Xquater); Protection of wild fauna and flora species (Xquinquies); Final disposition (XI).
Royal Decree fixing the fees and contributions due to the Budget Fund for raw materials and products.