
Resolution of 4 February 1977 concerning criteria, methodologies and general technical provisions as per article 2, letters b), d), and e) of Act of 10 May 1976, No. 319, on water pollution control.

Detailed criteria and technical provisions on water pollution are contained in Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and pertain to the following: 1) general criteria and methodologies for inventorying the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of bodies of water and for the compilation of the cadastral registers of discharges. Aims are the definition of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the different bodies of water and surface waters in relation to the different direct and indirect uses to which they are destined (industrial, drinking, agriculture, sea bathing, shellfish culture, navigation, diversion, etc.);; 2) general criteria for the proper and rational use of water for the purpose of production, irrigation, industry and civil application, by determining water consumption standards in order to avoid waste of water and promoting the recycling of water;; 3) technical standards governing the installation and operation of water supply plants for the abstraction, treatment, transport and distribution of potable water;; 4) technical standards governing the installation and operation of sewerage and water treatment plants.

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