This Act provides for the conservation and use of environmental media, the control over the sources of pollution and damage, the establishment of permissible emission levels and of environmental quality standards, the management of the environmental media and of environmental factors, environmental impact assessment (EIA), the issuance of integrated permits for pollution prevention, reduction and control, the designation and management of areas placed under a special regime of protection, etc.; The national environmental protection policy shall be implemented by the Minister of Environment and Water whose functions are described in the text. Environmental management auhtorites shall also be established.; Chapter II gives provisions on information relating to the environment. Chapter III deals with matters related to: conservation and use of water and water bodies; soil protection, sustainable use and restoration; conservation and use of the bowels of the earth; conservation and use of biological diversity, protection of the species of wild flora and fauna and the natural habitats of the species; ambient air quality protection; waste management; and protection of the environment from pollution by asbestos and mercury. An Enterprise for Management of Environmental Protection Activities, hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise"
Environmental Protection Act.