The present Regulations is made under the Environment Protection and Enhancement Act. Section 2 of the above-mentioned Regulation establishes the Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Programme consisting of the Joint Canada/Alberta Oil Sands Monitoring Implementation Programme, established by Ministerial Order 25/2013 made by the Minister pursuant to section 8 of the Government Organization Act. This Programme strengthens environmental monitoring programmes for air, water, land and biodiversity in the oil sands region. It will result in improved knowledge of the state of the environment in the oil sands area and an enhanced understanding of cumulative effects and environmental change,including future impacts arising from multiple stressors, which will become more important to understand as development continues. The participation in the this Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Programme for a particular fiscal year is subject to approval or an active application. The text consists of 12 sections and 1 Schedule.
Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Program Regulation (Alta. Reg. 226/2013).