Regulations to regulate the use, protection and conservation of marine waters, i.e. the internal waters and waters of the territorial sea and including all brackish waters and fresh and salt tidal waters, to protect water quality standards, to promote clean water, to prevent discharge of pollutants and to provide for regulation making necessary for implementing norms regarding marine water quality.; The 44 regulations are divided into 9 Parts: General provisions (I); Marine water use classification (II); establishment of Marine Water Use Areas (III); Water quality standards (IV); Marshall Islands Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MIPDES) (V); Mixing zones (VI); Pollution control requirements (VII); Oil pollution prevention measures (VIII); Enforcement (IX).; Article 3 outlines the marine waters quality policy. Article 7 classifies waters according to the use that shall be protected in those waters, or purpose to be obtained, e.g. conservation of coral reefs, fishing, recreation, etc. part III specifies classes for each geographic area of the Marshall Islands. Article 15 sets out basic criteria applicable to all marine waters. Section 16 defines specific water quality standards. Point sources of discharge shall obtain a MIPDES permit in accordance with article 18. The Environmental Protection Authority may make Regulations for the issuing of such permits and to reduce point source discharge. Owners and operators of offshore facilities that are expected to discharge oil into marine waters shall prepare a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan in accordance with provisions of Part VIII.
Marine Water Quality Regulations.