The present Water Sustainability Act (WSA) shall ensure a sustainable supply of fresh, clean water that meets the needs of B.C. residents today and in the future. In particular, the Act updates and replaces the previous Water Act, bringing in a number of important changes for existing and new surface water and groundwater users. Key changes that are now in effect under the WSA and new Regulations include: New water rights and licensing requirements for non-domestic groundwater users (e.g., industrial, agricultural); Stronger protection for aquatic ecosystems; New fees and rentals for water use; Expanded protection of groundwater including new requirements for well construction and maintenance; Increased dam safety and awareness, and compliance and enforcement.; Managing groundwater and surface water together will better protect the security and safety of this resource. As of February 29, 2016, all non-domestic groundwater users including existing users are required to apply for a water licence, and pay an application fee and annual water rentals. There is a three-year transition period for existing groundwater users to submit this application. Domestic well owners—i.e., homeowners with a well that provides water for household use, lawn and garden watering, and water for domestic animals - are exempt from licensing and paying provincial water fees and rentals.; New fees and rentals, announced in February 2015, are intended to recover the costs of implementing the new WSA, and provide more tools to sustainably manage B.C.’s water resources, including regulating groundwater use for the first time. All rates are the same for surface water and groundwater use. Fees and rentals are generally not applied to provincial or federal governments, or First Nations use on reserve or Treaty lands.; The text consists of 219 sections divided into 8 Parts as follows: Interpretation and application (1); Licensing, Diversion and Use of Water (2); Protecting water resources (3); Enforcement (4); General (5); Regulations (6); Transitional provisions (7) ; Consequential and Related Amendments (8).
Water Sustainability Act ([SBC 2014] Chapter 15).